spine MRI Study of The • Straightened lumbar lordotic curve denoting muscle spam • Normal dimensions of the bony spinal canal • Relatively reduced signal brightness and height of l3-40,l4/5 intervertebal disc denoting its degeneration. • L4/5 posteri

spine MRI Study of The
• Straightened lumbar lordotic curve denoting muscle spam
• Normal dimensions of the bony spinal canal
• Relatively reduced signal brightness and height of l3-40,l4/5 intervertebal disc denoting its degeneration.
• L4/5 posteri

السؤال :


اجابة الطبيب:





أسئلة وأجوبة طبية – جراحة الأعصاب
and, bony, brightness, canal • Relatively, curve, degeneration. • L4/5, denoting, dimensions, disc, height, intervertebal, its, l3-40, l4/5, lordotic, lumbar, MRI, muscle, of, posteri, reduced, signal, spam • Normal, spinal, spine, study, the, The • Straightened

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