هل من الممكن قرأة التقرير طبى نتيجة القسطرة القلبية ProcedurE : retrograde catheterization of the left side of the heart using Lt & Rt. judkin’sٌ catheters . : it show distal 80% steno sis that bifurcates into LAD & LCX . LAD: A large vessel which supplies many diagonals and septals . the LAD shows proximal to mid long segment 80% steno sis. The D1 shows subtotal occluded at its osteal . LCX : it supplies many OM branches . The LCX shows osteal 90 % stenosis . RCA : dominant vessel which supplies PDA & PL btanches . The RCA shows osteal 80% stenosis . Conclusion C A D Multi vessel diseases For CABG‏